Michael S. Robinson
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Bullying Prevention
October 5, 2013
As October is National Bullying Prevention month, Michael S. Robinson tackles the subject with his guests Timothy Bellavia of T.I.M.M.E., Inc. and Jay Forte of The Greatness Zone. Later in the show, Robinson explores the business of theater with Cedric Yau and Master J. Hamilton, producers of Around The World In 80 Days at The YOW! Theater.

Obamacare: The Small Business Perspective
September 28, 2013
With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act around the corner, how will it affect small businesses? Michael S. Robinson leads the discussion with his guest Dr. Chris Conover Research Scholar at the Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research at Duke University. In the second segment he talks with actress, singer, author and businesswoman Gloria Loring!

Branding Yourself
September 21, 2013
In this age of social media the value of having a positive brand cannot be understated. Along with special co-host Grammy award winner, R&B singer, and actress Melba Moore, Michael S. Robinson tackles this issue with his guests Pamela Johnston, President of Cloud12 Group and William Arruda,CEO of Reach Personal Branding.
The Business of Fashion: Part II
September 14, 2013
The Business of Fashion, Part II: Michael S. Robinson concludes his two part look at the fashion industry this week. Along with co-host, fashion icon Audrey Smaltz, they took a look at the business of fashion. Guests are Lisa Flannery, founder of PHYN; Brigitte Schwenner, founder & president of Sievering; Eden Miller designer & owner of Cabiria; Katrin Zimmermann designer & president of Ex Ovo.